On 29th of January, The European Commission (the “EC”) adopted and published its Competitiveness Compass for the EU, a comprehensive policy communication outlining the major endeavours the European Union („EU”) must undertake to boost the Single Market and its productivity, feasibility and attractiveness (in one
București, 4 decembrie 2024 - Casa de avocatură GNP Guia Naghi și Partenerii a asistat Ahold Delhaize „The Lion” Nederland, proprietarul lanțului național de retail Mega Image, în procedura de achiziție a Profi Rom S.R.L. în cea mai mare și complexă tranzacție din sectorul de
To begin with, this summer has been particularly active and dynamic for competition law enthusiasts and practitioners, marked by a wave of new approaches and perspectives from both the CJEU and the European Commission. Notably, the primary focus appears to center the digital and tech
On 8th of February, The European Commission (the “EC”) adopted a revised Market Definition Notice (the “Market Notice”), this being the first revision of the Market Definition Notice since its adoption in 1997. The amendment represents a consolidation of the European Court of Justice and the