No more overcharging electricity producers
In November, the Constitutional Court has declared the unconstitutionality of the overcharging of electricity producers under article 15 of GEO 27/2022, on the obligation to pay the contribution to the Energy Transition Fund by producers and Annex 6, regarding the
The dispute triggering the court proceedings
The EU institutions developed in the recent years a framework for regulating the online services. As such, new obligations arise for online operators following the issuance of the e-commerce Directive[1], GDPR[2], P2B Regulation[3], DSA[4], DMA[5], Ominbus[6], etc. DSA is one
22 December 2023
AdministrativeDisputes, CaseLaw, Complaint, Dispute Resolution, EU Law, FairTrial, LegalFramework, LegalUpdate, Offence, PublicAuthorities, PublicDebate
Plângerea contravențională și obligația de motivare
Contravenientul nemulțumit de emiterea unui proces-verbal de constatare a contravenției se poate adresa instanței de judecată pentru a solicita anularea actului de sancționare, pentru motive de nelegalitate sau netemeinicie, conform OG 2/2001[1], care reglementează cadrul general în materie contravențională. Instanța