Assessment and review of the applicable public procurement rules and regulations.
Assistance for the during any tendering process or any other competitive procedure to be completed for the purposes of being awarded public agreements.
Preparing tender documentation; selection and evaluation; contract negotiation and signing; assistance for implementation of public financed projects; assistance and representation in dispute resolution proceedings (regulatory authority and courts);project financing and privatization; structuring mixed capital ventures; structuring offers for public bids; support audits/DD related to public expenditures.
Assistance in liaising with any authorities or completing any legal formalities.
Assessment of, and assistance with, tender procedures with a view to identifying and addressing competition related risks.
Assistance with public contract negotiations and signing, amendments, implementation.
Assistance in all stages of public procurement procedures.
Assistance in structuring offer and assistance throughout national and local public procurement procedures.
Assistance in setting up and implementing consortium for various public procurement procedures.