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Tudor Pasat – Much has been said. More is to be done. The European Commission’s Competitive Compass is bringing a lot to the table

On 29th of January, The European Commission (the “EC”) adopted and published its Competitiveness Compass for the EU, a comprehensive policy communication outlining the major endeavours the European Union („EU”) must undertake to boost the Single Market and its productivity, feasibility and attractiveness (in one


Violeta Geru – Amazon case on interim relief following the application of DSA. Did the request for interim measures become even more burdensome for private entities seeking provisional relief? Will the national courts follow suit?

The dispute triggering the court proceedings The EU institutions developed in the recent years a framework for regulating the online services. As such, new obligations arise for online operators following the issuance of the e-commerce Directive[1], GDPR[2], P2B Regulation[3], DSA[4], DMA[5], Ominbus[6], etc. DSA is one