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Violeta Geru – Levelling the playing field: The Constitutional Court ruling that energized producers

No more overcharging electricity producers In November, the Constitutional Court has declared the unconstitutionality of the overcharging of electricity producers under article 15 of GEO 27/2022, on the obligation to pay the contribution to the Energy Transition Fund by producers and Annex 6, regarding the


Violeta Geru – Paza bună trece primejdia rea – cum ne protejăm afacerea în cadrul procedurilor de achiziții publice? Protecția secretului comercial în procedurile de achiziții. Interpretarea CJUE

Cum ar trebui să acționeze ofertantul care dorește să beneficieze de protecția informațiilor cu caracter confidențial? Confidențialitatea reprezintă un drept al ofertantului în procedurile de achiziții publice, Legea 98/2016 privind achizițiile publice („Legea 98/2016”) arătând care sunt tipurile de informații protejate de acest drept și care


Violeta Geru – ECJ finds a breach of the principle of effectiveness. The compensation for the loss or harm caused to individuals by the national legislature as a result of an infringement of EU law.

The European Union Court of Justice (Grand Chamber – „ECJ”) analysed an action (case C-278/20) brought by the European Commission for failure of the Kingdom of Spain to fulfil obligations under Article 258 TFEU. On 28 June 2022, the ECJ held that the Kingdom of


European Court of Justice, competition infringements

By Cătălina Burcă-Andonie In response to the Hungarian Supreme Court which advanced a request for a preliminary ruling, on 2 April 2020, the European Court of Justice delivered its judgment in case C ‑ 228/18 (Gazdasági Versenyhivatal v Budapest Bank Nyrt. Ea). The main proceedings concern an old 1996