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Andreea Ivăniș – Quo Vadis? – The EC Recommendation on reviewing outbound investments

On January 15, 2025, the European Commission published the Recommendation (EU) 2025/63 on reviewing outbound investments in technology areas critical for the economic security of the Union[1] (‘the Recommendation’). This initiative seeks to gather detailed information on European investments in third countries, with a focus


Alina Stoica – Draft order marks significant shift in medicine advertising and disease awareness campaigns on social media and mobile apps

In a previous article, we highlighted the role of social media platforms in disseminating disease awareness campaigns led by pharmaceutical companies[1]. Now, two years on, authorities have officially recognized social media platforms and mobile apps as suitable channels for advertising medicines, marking a pivotal change in


Roxana Barica – Cold calls

UNDERSTANDING "PERSONAL DATA" The definition of personal data explicitly refers to natural persons, and information related to legal entities is generally not covered or protected by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). However, certain data protection rules may still indirectly apply to information related to businesses


Roxana Barica – EDPB’s report on chatGPT Taskforce

Until 15 February 2024, OpenAI did not have an establishment in the European Union. Insofar, as no cooperation procedures according to the One-Stop-Shop (hereinafter “OSS”) mechanism under the GDPR could apply, the EDPB decided to establish a taskforce to foster cooperation and exchange information on


Patricia Avramescu – Acordurile de tip Non-Poach: recentele preocupări ale autorităților de concurență din UE au condus la publicarea unei noi politici a Comisiei Europene pe piața muncii

In recent years, European national competition authorities, including Romania, and well as the European Commission itself have begun to investigate and sanction non-poach agreements on the labour market, as well as practices of fixing salary thresholds. These investigations clearly show the current focus of the


Alexandra Stoicescu – Tales from the EC’s Latest Pharma Report: Where Patent Rights End and Abuse of Dominance Begins

On 26 January 2024, the European Commission (the „EC”) published a comprehensive report (the „Report”) aimed to outline the recent competition enforcement in the pharmaceutical sector carried out by the EC and the national competition authorities (the „NCAs”) from 2018 to 2022. This Report highlights